Lockdown Life

Week 8 on lockdown and I think in a strange way, I’m adapting to it all. I’m a lot less anxious than I was during the first couple of weeks and I’ve now found myself in some kind of routine. There have been plenty of sleepless nights worrying about my family and friends and how they’re coping, but it was through talking to my family and friends (lots!) that I accepted what was happening and tried to adapt (somehow!). So, I made a list of things I wanted to do or at least attempt during lockdown. It may not be much for most people but here they are:-


Anyone who know me, knows I can’t cook or bake. They say practice makes perfect, so after some serious googling, watching YouTube videos, and buying the ingredients that is actually on the recipe, I made a chocolate cake (the waistband wasn’t thankful) and here are the pics to prove it 

 Attempt gardening

 We are lucky enough that we have a garden to explore. I say explore because it’s mainly a jungle and has become the home to lots of wildlife (so far, a hedgehog, a squirrel and lots and lots of birds who have a 5am wake up call!!) so I don’t like to ruin it for them. However I did want to tidy up the borders so on one of the sunnier days I found some gloves, and moved some of the prettier plants to the side and evicted the weeds.

Be kinder

I wanted to be kind to others as well as myself because we’re all going through this together. There are days when I just can’t watch the news anymore and I have to keep my mind distracted. There are other days when I watch the news and want to help out in some way. Now I know there is only so much we can do whilst keeping safe, so I didn’t want to commit to something too big so that I panicked and become overwhelmed. So I offered to do some food shops for my elderly neighbours and I received the most wonderful note – which then made me want to do more!

So I organised a quiz in aid of the amazing Sheffield Mind whose staff are there supporting lots of people who are encountering difficulties with their mental health, particularly more so during these difficult times. At first I wasn’t sure if people would attend my first ever zoom quiz (because that’s what you always think when you arrange something!) but I was so happy that we had lots take part and we raised over £120 for Sheffield Mind – not too bad at all!

So in a nutshell, we take the good days with the bad days and keep showing up! Having a bit of kindness along the way sure helps too J

Stay safe xx