Unfortunately, we are not always able to take referrals for our Counselling & Therapy service because appointments fill quickly and the team are often at full capacity.

If you would like to access the service, we suggest calling us on 0114 258 4489 on the first Monday of the month, for a service update.

Counselling and Therapy at Sheffield Mind 

Sheffield Mind's Counselling & Therapy service is a free service for people aged 18 upwards, who are registered with a Sheffield GP Practice. Our therapists are trainees, who volunteer for Sheffield Mind. They are fully supported and supervised. The service is confidential.

Sessions are available during general office hours (9 - 5pm, Monday - Friday) We are unable to offer evening appointments for this service.

When our waiting list is open, you can can refer yourself or another person to the service by emailing your / their name and telephone number to the following address: [email protected]  We will then get in touch, to arrange an assessment.  Similarly, if you have any questions about  the service or require additional information, you can email the therapy team, or phone 0114 258 4489.

Other Therapeutic Services at Sheffield Mind

We offer a range of therapeutic services, both free and chargeable. If you are interested in finding out more, you can check out the webpage here 

Other Help

If you want to speak to somebody urgently, there is a Sheffield Helpline for anyone in Sheffield affected by mental health issues. It's staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 0808 801 0440

You can contact The Samaritans0114 276 7277 or 116 123

The CALM service run by the Department of Health has a free, confidential helpline that runs from 5pm to midnight, 365 days a year. Call Freephone 0800 58 58 58.

For other free counselling options, please see the Sheffield Mental Health Guide.