Other Ways You Can Help Current and former service users with experience of mental health problems are encouraged to apply for volunteer roles at Sheffield Mind and get involved with the running of the charity. There are different roles and responsibilities, some of which are only available to former service users, whilst others are very much geared towards people who are currently in receipt of services (for example, being on an interview panel). Our volunteering opportunities are advertised on this website. We sometimes need to recruit new Trustees to join our Board, to contribute to the strategic development of the charity. We also encourage current users of Sheffield Mind services to join our service users' group 'Open Minds', so service users can contribute to how services are developed. If you prefer a more informal approach and would to like to hear about our events and social activities, which all service users are welcome to attend, details are generally posted on the website and shared by key workers and other relevant staff. We regularly consult service users on proposed changes to service delivery or premises and recently sought advice and ideas for how we might make best use of the outdoor area. The information we gather helps us to develop a space that is user friendly and which meets staff and service user need. We also involve service users in the recruitment of new staff members and on occasions, have included them in campaigning and fundraising work. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us at [email protected] or speak to your support worker or therapist. Manage Cookie Preferences