Who is a Suitable Referral? 

If you are a professional making a referral, please bear the following criteria in mind 

  Suitable for Safe Space Counselling  (all criteria must be met)

X Unsuitable for Safe Space at this time  

(one or more of these factors may make someone unsuitable for our service)  

A victim/survivor of domestic abuse. This can be recent or historic, in childhood or adulthood. X No experience of domestic abuse  

In physically safe housing (as outlined in the definition of safe housing provided above).  

X Is currently in a domestically abusive situation  

X Is not currently housed in any of the safe housing listed 

Emotionally ‘stable enough’.   

X Currently struggling with other major life stressors: very recent relocation due to a domestically abusive situation, bereavement, job loss, housing difficulties, relationship breakdown, custody battles etc. 

Has ongoing multiple and complex mental health needs which are the primary concern. They have mentioned domestic abuse, but this is not their most urgent need 

Are ready to engage with and commit to recovering from the domestic abuse they have experienced  

X Mentions domestic abuse when telling their history, but their primary current concern is something else – for example - suicidal thoughts, bereavement, social isolation, active addiction or wanting support with mental health more generally.  

X Actively says that they are not ready to talk about the domestic abuse. May tell you that it is too overwhelming to talk about domestic abuse  

Have some support and healthy coping strategies in place. 

X Extremely socially isolated with limited interpersonal support.  

X A recent history of multiple crises or hospitalisation   

If the client is a parent, have childcare arrangements in place so they can access counselling  

Has young children (not yet nursery or school aged) but no access to childcare arrangements. We cannot undertake any therapeutic work with infants or children present. This includes phone and Zoom work 

We are more than happy to answer any questions about potential referrals on 07876542789 or via email.

If you are not sure if someone is appropriate for referral, please call us first to avoid potentially creating damaging experiences of disappointment or rejection for clients. We are happy to discuss individual referrals.   

How to Make a Referral  

Please email [email protected] for a copy of our simple referral form.  

We will get back to you as soon as we can and will verify once we have received the referral.