How to get a better night’s sleep
Try and establish a bedtime routine and try not to get distracted by a late night movie, extra episode in a box set – one leads to another – eating and drinking to excess or at a late hour which may leave you feeling uncomfortable or a little the worse for wear – all of the above can make it that bit harder to get a restful night.

Sleep at regular times

Sleeping at regular times helps programme the body to wind down at a certain hour.

Most adults need between six and nine hours of sleep every night. By working out what time you need to wake up, you can set a regular bedtime schedule.

Make sure you wind down 

Winding down is a critical stage in preparing for bed. We all have our own ways to relax:

A warm bath will help you feel relaxed and calm, soothed and rested and reach a temperature that's ideal for rest.

Writing "to do" lists for the next day can organise your thoughts and clear your mind of any distractions.

Relaxation exercises, such as light yoga stretches, help to relax the muscles. Don't exercise vigorously, as it will have the opposite effect.

Relaxation CD’s and Soothing music – listening to a story or a relaxing and soothing melody can be very relaxing and help the mind wander to a restful place

Reading a book or listening to the radio relaxes the mind by distracting it.

Make your bedroom sleep-friendly

Your bedroom should be a relaxing environment, ideally dark, quiet, tidy and be kept at a temperature of between 18C and 24C

Fit some thick curtains so as not to let in street light and if you live in a noisy area, consider ear plugs