What is Revive Therapy for Young People?

Revive is a service designed to give young people a space to talk about what’s going on for them and support them with their mental health.

Our fully trained, empathetic therapists provide a safe place to talk about school or college, family, friends, mental health and much more. Young people can talk about whatever might be bothering them. They will be given time and space to talk and support to gain a different perspective on anything they may be struggling with. 

We offer therapy sessions in-person at our office, or alternatively via phone or zoom. At the moment our service operates on a Saturday morning from 10-1pm, but get in touch with us if your young person requires an alternative day or time.  

This service is charged at a standard rate of £60 per session. All proceeds go towards supporting the work of Sheffield Mind; helping to increase capacity and improve our services.  

If you're interested in the service and would like to make a referral, click HERE to complete the referral form.

If you have any questions about the service, you can call the team on 07900 743926 or email [email protected]

Further Information 

We have produced a couple of leaflets that explain a little more about the service and are available both for parents and guardians and younger people themselves. Click on either for further details.


What is Counselling ? 

For anyone not familiar with counselling or unsure what to expect, the Sheffield Mind therapy team have produced a leaflet which will hopefully answer all of your questions and give you and family members a clear idea of what to expect

Click on the image for further details  

Sheffield Mind run a range of Counselling and Therapy services, see here for further information.