Revive @ Sheffield Mind provides therapeutic services and a training programme. Revive services are designed to improve resilience, restore balance and provide individuals with greater understanding and practical techniques to cope more effectively with issues and events that might otherwise impact negatively on family life or workplace wellbeing.
Sheffield Mind has over 40 years’ experience of providing mental health support to people in Sheffield. We understand how difficult life can be and we've tailored a range of services that provide both emotional support and the practical skills required to help navigate through periods of particular difficulty.
All proceeds from Revive services are invested in Sheffield Mind, helping us to build capacity and ensure that our free services are accessible to all that need them. All Revive services are delivered by qualified and accredited staff.
To find out more about these services see the links below or call the office on 0114 258 4489
Read more about the Revive Counselling Team; their credentials and experience as therapists. You can also see what days individual members of the team are available for appointments. Read more
Revive provides one to one Anger Management sessions for people who want to address anger issues which may be having a negative impact on work or family life. Read more
Revive Therapy is a service designed to give young people a space to talk about what’s going on for them and support them with their mental health. Our fully trained counsellors provide a safe space in which to explore family, friends, school - whatever they wish to share. Read more
Revive @SheffieldMInd is a private therapy service, offering a range of support including counselling for children and young people. Read more