Celebrate your successes. No matter how small they may seem, take time to praise yourself and notice what you did well. It can also help to remember past successes.

Accept compliments. You could make a note of them to look over when you're feeling low or doubting yourself.

Focus on the 'small wins'.  Do the little things and use it as a springboard. Whatever you can do - be proud of it!

Build up your self-belief by setting small goals, such as trying a recipe, learning the days of the week in a new language or simply looking for information on something you'd like to do. When you achieve your small goal – celebrate! If you don’t manage it, don’t be too hard on yourself – think about why it didn’t work and try again or pick a new goal.

Don't put too much weight on negatives. If someone says something unhelpful or unkind, you might find that you focus on that and ignore anything positive. Try to recognise this pattern of thinking and challenge yourself when you do it.

Write a list of things you like about yourself. For example, you could include character traits, skills or experience, beliefs or causes that matter to you or things you enjoy doing. You could ask other people for suggestions too.

Write a list of things you’re good at and try to stop dwelling on the things you’re not so good at.  Albert Einstein said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” We all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Avoid falling into the compare-and-despair trap.  It’s all too easy in this age of social media to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Everyone we see appears to be happy, healthy, beautiful and worry-free. Try to recognise this tendency to compare and challenge yourself. Remember - just because someone else appears happy on social media or even in person doesn’t mean they are perfectly happy. Comparisons will probably make us feel negative about ourselves - and that may lead to anxiety and stress.