Next week at the Springboard, the theme is Random Acts of Kindness.

We will be exploring how we can be kind to our community, to our loved ones and most importantly how we can build kindness and compassion towards ourselves. We will also look at the various benefits that Acts of Kindness can have on our wellbeing. Clients will be getting crafty, with options to create a Kindness tree to show gratitude and kindness rocks to paint and distribute around the city. Please feel free to join us in spreading kindness across our community! 

The weekly peer support group runs from 1.00 - 3.00 at the Sheffield Mind Wellbeing Centre, Sharrow Lane.

Sessions are free to attend and guests are guaranteed a warm welcome, a warm brew and a supportive space in which to talk and to share. For more information about the Springboard and to find out what we have for future sessions, click here 

New to Peer Support ? Find out more below

Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. There are different types of peer support, but they all aim to:

  • bring together people with shared experiences to support each other
  • provide a space where you feel accepted and understood
  • treat everyone's experiences as being equally important
  • involve both giving and receiving support.

Find out more HERE