Spruce Up Your Physical Environment You don’t need to spend lots of money to make your workplace look tip-top, but if you’ve got dirty walls and stained chairs, it’s worth investing some money to improve the environment. Even in these days of hybrid working, many of us spend a lot of time in the workplace and if it’s neglected, we can start to feel the same way. Top Tip: At Sheffield Mind, we bought some cheap paint and wallpaper and then gave an open invitation for up to six staff to join us one Saturday morning to blitz our reception area. We bought pizza for lunch and everyone got the time back in lieu. Also, noise levels, space, temperature and light can have a significant effect on staff wellbeing. Make sure you consult people on how to improve the work environment and take what action you can, to ensure it’s suitable. Space dividers, lamps and quiet spaces may help tackle some of the typical issues. Top Tip: Did you know that plants in the office significantly increase workplace satisfaction, levels of concentration, and perceived air quality? https://shorturl.at/dir78 See if you can get a plant-loving staff member to take on the responsibility of watering them all! Manage Cookie Preferences