I'm Nat and I offer a warm, confidential counselling relationship, and the space, time, and emotional support to explore whatever’s on your mind. I trained in an integrative approach, so can draw on a range of counselling approaches to meet your needs. However, in my experience, the key enabler of change is our relationship itself. To be heard, accepted, and understood by another person can be transformative, and I’ll be alongside you throughout this process.

I will strive to offer you a responsive relationship that supports and empowers you to make sense of your experiences and move forwards positively. This could include, for example, gaining greater self-understanding, connecting with emotions, discovering ways to cope or create change in your life, beginning to trust yourself, rediscovering your strengths, and identifying and being more assertive of your fundamental needs.

  • 2019-22 ‘Professional Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy’ at The Academy: S.P.A.C.E, Sheffield
  • 2018-19 ‘Foundations of Counselling’ at The Academy: S.P.A.C.E, Sheffield
    Member of British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)