Springboard Peer Support Group Meetings

Sheffield Mind Springboard is a support group for people with mental health issues.

It provides a safe space to meet other people, make friends and get help and advice to achieve goals, develop confidence and try new things. Springboard meets on Mondays, 1-3  p.m.  Join us for good company, good conversation and a good brew! 

If you would like to join a group session email [email protected] for further information

Keeping Connected during Lockdown

In the early stages of Lockdown, when we were all learning to come to terms with the impact of Covid, we were determined to keep in touch with service users and did so via an informal weekly newsletter.

Our Springboard Gazette had tips and advice for staying safe and staying occupied - and to honour Springboard tradition, we even threw in the odd quiz!

We also launched the Springboard Scribbler Project, a pen pal scheme aimed at keeping people connected and helping people express how they were feeling, or to ask any questions about their wellbeing and how best to cope. We wanted to encourage anyone who was feeling lonely and cut off to get in touch.

Our Scribbler helped answer your questions, advised on services and tried to 'be there' to let people know they weren't alone.

You can still read back copies of the Gazette, by clicking on the images below for all editions.

17th July

24th July

31 July 

26th June

3rd July

10th July

5th June 

12th June

19th June

15th May

22nd May

29 May 2020

1st May 2020

May 2020

April 2020