Local supporter Ian Scholefield took it upon himself to sacrifice his lovely locks, to raise funds for the work we do.

He shared his reasons for doing so in his online appeal saying that he chose Sheffield Mind because

'its an amazing and sometimes overlooked charity that work to ensure people suffering with mental health issues are given both support and respect. 
Their vision is that mental health issues are de-stigmatised and people are not discriminated against.'

He added a little extra incentive for people to support him by choosing the coldest month of the year in which to undertake the challenge adding' 

'Why I have chosen to shave my head in February and not July is beyond me, but your support with this challenge would mean so much (as would everyone keeping their fingers and toes crossed that the hair does grow back!) The beard should keep me warm!'

We all loved the new look - particularly the mid way monk!

If you don;t fancy losing the hair, maybe you could take it upon yourself to grow out your hair or beard, or maybe go bold and colour it?

The idea with challenges of this type is to make sure that you are putting the FUN into your FUNdraising. Don;t put yourself under undue pressure, just do something that will give peopel a giggle.