512 are one of the UK’s leading freight forwarders and have been operating from their offices in Sheffield, Doncaster, Wakefield, Manchester and Nottingham, for over 26 years.

They selected Sheffield Mind as their Charity of the Year back in 2023 in recognition of, as staff explained,

'the profound impact mental well-being has on individuals and communities. We hold a deep personal connection to this cause, as many of our employees and their loved ones have faced their own mental health challenges. Their experiences have reinforced our belief that mental health should be a priority for everyone, regardless of their background. By supporting Mind Sheffield, we aim to contribute to the destigmatisation of mental health issues and provide vital resources, support, and education to those in need'.

To achieve these aims, the team used their logistical prowess to pull off a traditional fun day for staff and their families. There was literally something for everyone, classic cars, DJ, cricket match, dog show, tombolas, craft activities and food and drink aplenty.

It was a huge undertaking and we liaised with key staff throughout to advise and encourage - not that they needed much help in either area, the whole staff team really got behind the project and it was a fantastic day.

Big events of this kind can take time to plan and do take some managing But if you get a team together to oversee delivery, it can be a great way to harness and develop skills and bring staff together from different areas/departments of your workplace.

Smaller events can be just as much fun and if there are team members with a particular talent - singers in a band, players in an amateur football league, harness their talent and their connections and plan an activity around that.